By: GGSPro Technical Specialists

adults, shorefly adults, whiteflies and winged aphids. Using cards for active monitoring of these pests supports proactive decision making for best management of pest populations.
Sticky cards are available in solid yellow, solid blue, and bi-colored forms (two-sided, yellow on one side and blue on the other). Some sticky cards are pre-printed with a grid pattern that allows for quicker counting. Sticky cards come with a protective sheet that is removed to expose the sticky surface. To make these easier to work with, take a tip from the pros and keep your sticky cards refrigerated until use.
Proper use of the cards will generate the best data. Prior to placing cards in the crop, date and number each card with a consistent location code. Sticky cards should be placed above the crop with one third of the card in the canopy. Additionally, place some cards vertically just above the crop canopy; avoid placing sticky cards too high above foliage to ensure you pick up all flying insects. To monitor for insects emerging from the media (e.g. thrips and fungus gnats), place yellow sticky cards horizontally just above the media surface. Growers generally use 1-2 cards per 1000 square feet, increasing to 3-4 cards per 1000 square feet when monitoring for thrips or when monitoring higher value crops. Remember to place additional sticky cards near doors, vents or areas of concern.
Perform weekly counts of pests and beneficials captured on the cards, using a 16x hand lens to identify the insects. When recorded, this data can be analyzed for population trends on which management decisions can be made. Be sure to note any specific weather patterns in your records, too. Cards are generally replaced weekly. However, when pest activity is low, cards may be used for several weeks. If used over multiple weeks, take another tip from the pros: Use different colored Sharpies to circle and count the pests each week so you are sure to only count the new pests in later weeks.
Speaking of beneficials, when releasing Aphidius, Encarsia, Eretmocerus or Orius, take cards down on the day of release to minimize capture of the good bugs. Return the cards to the crop a few days after release.
Product | Item Number | |
2-color blue/yellow sticky cards, 4"x5"; 10 per pack | 74-3668 | |
Yellow moisture resistant monitoring cards, 3"x5"; 50 per pack | 74-36705 | |
Trapline T Yellow Roller trap 6"x328' | SB8051-05 | |
Sticky yellow trap roll 12"x300' | 74-12300 | |
Sticky yellow trap roll 6"x1500' | 74-61500 | |
Sticky blue trap roll 6"x1500' | 74-61500B |