Growers are always seeking ways to help get the most out of their irrigation and nutrition plans. Many cannabis growers have turned to mycorrhizal fungi to really dial in their rootzones. This tech tip will introduce these special organisms in detail.
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
CONNECT From Premier Pro-mix
Thursday, October 21, 2021
AgSil 16H: A Source Of Silica For Both Foliage And Roots
Silica-containing fertilizers aid in mitigating drought stress, resistance to mineral stress, and improve overall plant strength and growth. Cannabis growers can utilize silica fertilizers from day one of production to strengthen plants from beginning to end. This tech tip will explore some best practices for how to apply one such product, AgSil 16H.
AgSil 16H from Certis and other silica products require some special consideration to achieve the best application. Silica and silicate products need to be solo-injected from designated stock tanks and never tank mixed with other nutrients. Mixing highly concentrated silica products with nitrates and sulfates can lead to the formation of precipitates, which can clog lines, drippers, or filters. AgSil 16H and other silica products should ideally be injected first into the irrigation lines, before other fertilizers. It’s always a good idea to include a mixing chamber following silica injection to allow full dilution. Once fully in solution at ready-to-use concentrations, silica and other nutrients are totally compatible.
A final important consideration is pH. For many silica products, AgSil 16H included, a pH between 5.5-6.5 results in a gelling of silica when highly concentrated. Growers can either adjust stock solution pH down to between 4-5, or target between 7-8 to avoid this issue. First add AgSil 16H to water to fully dissolve, then slowly add diluted acid with mixing until the desired pH range is reached. If gelling occurs, agitate and slowly add acid until gelling has dissipated.
AgSil 16H contains 53% silica and 32% potassium. It is best applied as a once or twice weekly drench at 1.28-2.56 oz per 100 gallons to provide 50-100 ppm Si. While grasses and other silica accumulators would likely prefer 100 ppm, Cannabis has demonstrated good responses to the 50 ppm rate. Constant injection should target around 10 ppm Si, at 0.256 oz per 100 gallons. AgSil 16H can also be applied as a foliar spray, at a rate of 1-2 lb per 100 gallons. Try adding CapSil at 8 oz per 100 gallons for improved spreading over foliage.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Calcium & Cannabis
The story of nutrition for cannabis and hemp goes beyond the macronutrients of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Calcium and magnesium, two secondary plant nutrients, also play important roles in plant development and productivity. Cannabis is a particularly heavy consumer of both.
What exactly are these two nutrients doing inside your
plants? Calcium provides structural support to plants as they develop,
strengthening cell walls as new tissue grows. Plants lacking in calcium can
display symptoms such as tip burn on new growth or pronounced leaf curl. For
some crops, calcium deficiency even manifests as damage to developing fruits.
While calcium builds the foundations for your plants’ structures, magnesium
keeps the energy flowing. Magnesium is the atom at the center of all
chlorophyll molecules, enabling plants to photosynthesize. When magnesium is
lacking, chlorophyll in older growth breaks down and magnesium is remobilized
to new growth, leading to lower leaf yellowing.
It can be difficult to meet the full needs of some crops
through the use of complete fertilizers alone. Growers find that fertilizers
high in calcium can often affect the pH of their substrate, typically leading
to higher pH conditions. Some growers avoid with these conditions by rotating
fertilizers, while others carefully build balanced fertilizer programs. Talk to
your Griffin sales rep to find out how GGSPro can help.
An additional option is selecting specialized calcium
supplements without adding a complete fertilizer package. Plant-Prod MJ Spike
(CaMg) is part of the cannabis-specific line of nutrients from Master Plant
Prod. This product has been specifically formulated to deal with the
high-calcium demands of cannabis production and can be used any time throughout
the production cycle. Both calcium and magnesium are provided in a beneficial
ratio of 2:1 – 5.4% Calcium, 2.7% magnesium. Chelation with EDTA keeps the nutrient
ions fully soluble while in stock tanks and during application. This highly
specialized product is free from any other nutrients, ensuring that other
nutritional ratios are not thrown out of balance. Ask your Griffin sales rep
about MJ Spike or any of the other MJ Line fertilizers from Master Plant Prod!
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Suffoil-X & Mite Control
Pest control options in hemp and cannabis can be limited– growers must either apply beneficial insects or choose from a short list of approved sprays for specific issues. Luckily, the list of approved sprays includes some versatile options, such as Suffoil-X from BioWorks. Suffoil-X, a horticultural oil comprised of mineral oil, can be used as a general insecticide, miticide, and fungicide. As with any spray, however, some care is required. Let’s review best practices when it comes to applying horticultural oils on your crops. Following these practices limits your risk of phytotoxicity or burning after spraying any oil product.
- Always test new sprays on a small number of plants before applying to the entire crop.
- Apply when temperatures are under 85F / 30C.
- Ensure that foliage will dry within 1-2 hours of application.
- Avoid spraying drought-stressed plants.
- Remember, never mix oil and sulfur sprays!
1.25 fl oz per gal or 1 gal per 100 gal as a foliar spray. Full coverage is essential, acts as a suffocant. Apply when rapid drying will occur and when air temperatures are below 85° F to avoid phytotoxicity. Flower caution on label. 4 hr REI. MOA UNE. OMRI listed.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Caterpillar Control in Hemp and other crops
- Corn Earworm
- Tomato
- Cotton
- Tobacco
- Label
rates are 4-10 oz; use the higher rate for higher insect pressure.
- Gemstar
is sensitive to direct sunlight; spraying is best done at times where the
sunlight is not as direct like late afternoons, evenings or cloudy days.
- Complete
spray coverage is important; typical spray volumes range 20-100 gallons
per acre with more required for larger plants.
- Do not use silicone-based spreaders
- Use of methylated seed oils, latex, humic acid even powdered milk have been shown to enhance effectiveness
To learn more about Gemstar LC
reach out to your Griffin sales rep or the GGSPro team to find out how a
beneficial virus can enhance your insecticide program.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Two Spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticue)
For curative measures, there are two options of release. Primarily, Phytoline (Phytoseiulus persimilis) mites are used as the first defense against problematic populations of spider mites. These mites are very particular and will not eat anything except spider mites. This gives the persimilis an edge when wanting to remove outstanding populations of mites, instead of being a preventative method since they cannot survive without spider mites present. These mites are best released via a bottle, blister, or vial depending on the situation. Bottles are typically used in the vegetative state of crop, while vials and blisters are used most typically in the flower state to reduce risk of carrier getting stuck in the flowers. Blisters are a great way to do this because the back of the blister is popped, and then the blister is hung on the crop. The persimilis crawl out themselves and no carrier is spread throughout the crop.
Feltiella can also be used as control measures. These midges lay their eggs in dense populations of mites, with their larvae feeding on mites. They work in conjunction with other bios and can be very effective for establishing control. They are released by trays that are left in the crop, allowing midges to fly and find the sources of food for their larvae.
Item Number |
Product |
SB8042-01 |
Universal Release Box - Bioline |
SB1201-02 |
P. Persimilis- 2K adult mites |
SB0016-03 |
A. andersoni - 25K adult mites |
SB0016-31 |
A. amdersoni - 200 mini sachets |
SB0013-01 |
A. californicus - 2K adults |
SB0013-31 |
A. californicus - 200 mini sachets |
SB1501-01 |
Feltiline - 250 pupae |
SB1201-09 |
Phytoline Blisters (5) |
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
BioSafe Tech Tip
As new CEA producers sprout up around the country, there have been almost as many advertising claims made about ‘pesticide-free’ facilities. While that’s comforting to think and read about, it’s important to keep in mind that nature abhors a vacuum. Especially when it comes to 6- and 8-legged pests. While modifications can be made in CEA environments to accommodate vegetables, herbs, cannabis, or flowers, the humidity, temperature, absence of natural biological controls and abundant food can attract, sustain, and explode pest populations. Even as CEA growers work diligently to prevent pests from penetrating their
carefully crafted biosecurity protocols, chances are good that at some point arthropod visitors will show up uninvited. It would be a rare facility indeed that didn’t have to manage at least one concerning pest.
Bringing in plants or cuttings is a common way that pests are introduced. For that reason, inspecting and quarantining new material is well worth the time investment. Regular and systematic scouting of your plants will ensure that you catch infestations in the earliest stages allowing you to find and manage pests before you have to bring in the big, synthetic chemistry guns.
Biological control agents (BCAs) are often the first line of attack. However, sometimes the cost, time, or feasibility to implement biocontrol necessitates additional control measures. Biorationals work in tandem with most BCAs and break down completely within a matter of days to ensure there are no pesticide residues on the finished product. That’s something you and your customers can feel good about.
Products such as BioSafe Systems’ BioCeres WP (the entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana), AzaGuard (full-spectrum azadirachtin), and BT NOW (lepidopteran specific Bacillus thuringiensis) have only a 4-hour re-entry interval and can be applied up to the day of harvest. In fact, successful biocontrol programs often incorporate both biorational products plus the use of compatible biocontrol agents, whether via cutting dip, fogging, spraying or drenching. Combining multiple tools to ensure all stages of the pest are managed can minimize the extent and time to mitigate an inevitable infestation.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Well Balanced Fertilizer Program for Hemp and Cannabis
Cannabis and hemp are moderately heavy feeders, especially enjoying a relatively high calcium supply. A rigorous and well-balanced fertilizer program can be achieved with any number of fertilizer inputs, but the most successful are tailored to an individual operation’s needs. Choice of fertilizer formulation should be made based on water quality, irrigation equipment and growing media, and type of production system.
First, evaluate water quality. Growers should understand the pH, EC, alkalinity, and general mineral salt content of their water source. Municipal water supplies may change in composition from season to season – these water supplies should be tested at least once or twice a year. Well-water may also change seasonally and should be tested initially to gain an understanding of the water quality, then monitored yearly for changes to ground water conditions. When using reverse osmosis (RO) water, regular service and monitoring should be performed to make sure the filtration system is functioning as expected. Water sample test kits can be ordered and sent to a variety of labs for very reasonable prices.
Second, take stock of your irrigation equipment and available labor. Are you hand watering or using a drip system? How much water are you using on a daily basis? Some fertilizer stock solutions can be stored on site for weeks without issue, while others must be consumed quickly, in a day or two. Next, what type of media are you growing in? Truly hydroponic systems require control of the EC and pH of fertilizer water using consistently performing products. The pH of peat-based or soil-based media is most affected by the alkalinity of the water. Low to moderate alkalinity often can be managed with the proper fertilizer choice.
Hemp and cannabis growers treat excess water alkalinity through the application of acid along with the fertilizer. Sulfuric acid is the number one choice for this crop. High-alkalinity water presents a special challenge to organic growers. The only OMRI approved acid is citric acid; high alkalinity requires large amounts of citric acid to neutralize the excess. Organic growers may consider purification systems when faced with poor water quality.
Fertilizer targets can be met through the use water-soluble fertilizers or liquid nutrients. Slow or controlled release fertilizer are additional options when growing in peat-based or soil-based systems. GGSPro can help you sort through options to identify the best program for you.
Click here for Soil and Water Testing Addresses
Description | Size | Item Number |
Jack's 5-12-26 | 33-51226 | |
Jack's 10-30-20 | 33-103020 | |
Jack's 15-0-0 | 33-79080 | |
Plantex MJ 12-8-26 | 31-M12279 | |
Plantex MJ 4-31-37 | 31-M12280 | |
Plantex MJ Spike (CaMg) | 31-M12310 | |
Neptune's Harvest Hydrolyzed Fish | 80120001 | |
Nature's Source 3-1-1 | 67-0065 | |
Biomin Calcium | 16-03011 | |
Sustane 8-4-4 All Natural | 67-30569 | |
Sustane 4-6-4 All Purpose Slow Release | 67-30201 | |
Sustane 16-4-8 | 67-50551 |
Printable version
Monday, April 26, 2021
New Rearing Method Allows For Better Production Predatory Mite
BioPersi+ addition to the Biobee arsenal
against all odds, the scientific literature, and decades of practical recorded
experience, a BioBee R&D team headed by R&D Entomologists Arnon Tabic
and Tom Katz, developed a new technology for the predatory mite Phytoseiulus
Traditional P. persimilis
products are based on behavioral manipulation: the predatory mite is starved
(at least partially) prior to harvest. As a result, it takes longer for the
predatory mites to establish and start reproducing. The new product BioPersi+
arrives satisfied and physiologically stronger, thus able to seek and control
hot spots faster and start laying eggs on the same day of application. BioPersi+
is produced using a new alternative food system which gives the persimilis key
advantages. Additionally, although slow-release products of generalist predatory
mites, such as sachets, have been available for some time, no such product was
possible with P. persimilis. BioBee’s new technology makes the slow-release
option of P. persimilis feasible. The BioPersi+ slow-release products are
expected to be launched later in the 2021 year.
Another important difference
is the age structure of the population. Whereas the traditional BioPersimilis
product contains mainly adults, BioPersi+ product contains all the
developmental stages of the mite (adults, juveniles, and eggs). This diversity
creates a continuity of active mites in the greenhouses; assuring longer,
uninterrupted spider mite control.
BioPersi+ Advantages
- White to red color change confirms active predation.
- Higher egg laying ability then traditional persimilis: females lay over 19 eggs within 5 days, under positive conditions.
- Better searching ability and control of hot spots.
- Diversity of life stages for longer prevention.
- Slow Release methods (Available later in the 2021 Year
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
What is Fogging?
Fogging, also known as ultra-low volume treatment, utilizes very fine particle sizes to greatly reduce spray volume when applying chemicals. These small particle sizes enable products to be applied uniformly and to reach areas in the crop canopy and the undersides of leaves that may otherwise be missed by hydraulic sprayers. Fogging reaches all surfaces within the greenhouse space including under benches to nooks and crannies in the floors and structures.
What might growers want to fog?
Sanitizers – Fogging sanitizers can cut down on labor associated with spraying for hard surface sanitation. Dramm Autofog and Mini AutoFog can be left unattended outside of normal work hours and allowed to fog a sanitizer throughout a workspace. Sanitizers such as ZeroTol 2.0 can be run through these foggers when using stainless steel spray nozzles.
Biological and other water-based pesticides – Using a Dramm Coldfogger, Dramm Turbo ULV, or the Dramm BioPulsFOG, products containing live active ingredients can be applied evenly and thoroughly throughout the production space. These types of products are often used to treat insects such as aphids, or foliar fungal diseases such as Botrytis, powdery mildew, or leaf spots. Additionally, Coldfoggers and thermal foggers greatly decrease the time required to spray when compared to hydraulic sprayers and AutoFog equipment.
What should growers avoid fogging?
Oils – Many oils are technically compatible with fogging, but the trouble lies in their mode of action. Oils work through suffocation, filling all the air openings of insects or mites. Fogging produces very small-sized particles, one of the strengths of fogging, which ensures a highly uniform but thin layer of pesticide without using large amounts of water. While ideal for most pesticides, this action works against the coating and suffocating action of horticultural oils. Fogging oils also covers equipment with a fine layer of oil that may be detrimental to things such as lights or other mechanical fixtures.
Sulfur – Fogging, burning, or atomizing sulfur may be an effective insecticide and fungicide, but this practice carries with it several dangers and detriments, as well as not being an EPA approved practice. Sulfur vapors represent significant human health hazards, and over time sulfur vapors erode the integrity of poly materials. Plastics become brittle and useable lifetime is significantly reduced.
To learn more about the types of fogging equipment available, reach out to your Griffin rep or the GGSPro team to find out how you can add fogging into your production process.
Click here for our fogger FAQs sheet for more information on fogging.
Description | Item Number | |
Dramm Mini AutoFog with Stainless Steel Nozzle | 41-1205 | |
Dramm SLVH AutoFog 120V | 41-6003251 | |
Dramm LVH AutoFog 220V | 41-6003201 | |
Dramm Stainless Steel Nozzle for LVH | 41-1263 | |
Dramm Coldfogger AR 20-gal tank, 150’ hose | 41-1488 | |
Dramm Turbo ULV Fogger | 62-6003261 | |
Dramm Puls-Fog K-30 Standard Blue Frame | 41-1121 | |
Dramm Puls-Fog K-30/20 Bio Dual Tank | 41-1122 | |
Dramm Cart for K-30/20 | 41-1125 | |
Dramm K-22 PulsFog GH Yellow Frame | 41-1331 | |
Dramm K-22-Bio PulsFog Yellow Frame | 41-1332 | |
Dramm Nutri-Fog carrier | 74-2675 |
Printable version
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Even Watering in CEA Crops with Drip Irrigation
Written by: Kurt Becker - EVP – Commercial Products, Dramm Corporation
There are a variety of media types used in cannabis and hemp production. When combined with different container sizes, achieving even moisture levels throughout the pot can be challenging. It is important to pair the right type of irrigation system with the media to ensure that the plants are watered evenly.
Media Types
Rockwool and coir have less water holding capacity than peat-based mixes and organic mixes. As holding capacity decreases, watering frequency will need to increase. Additionally, irrigation duration should decrease. Irrigation volume is also a factor. Drippers with higher outputs can cause channeling in more porous medias, leading to uneven moisture in the container and uneven root growth over time.
Wetting Agents
With media ranging widely in composition, the moisture-holding characteristics and ability of the media to wick water laterally can have a huge impact on evenness of the moisture level throughout the container. Wetting agents are employed to reduce surface tension of water and allow very dry media to rehydrate. These products can be added to media either prior to planting or with irrigation water.
![]() |
Pictured: Very dry media or uneven irrigation can lead to channeling - dry pockets that water skips past |
Container Size
Container size will also have an impact on moisture homogenization. Smaller containers are easy to fill, even with a more porous media. Larger containers need more water and multiple points of distribution. Multiple staked drippers can often be enough. For a combination of media that will not wick well and a large container, using multiple pressure compensated rings often works well. Multiple drippers also help keep a valuable plant alive when one dripper clogs.
Dripper Output
Dramm offers emitters with a range of outputs from 0.5 gph (2 lph) to 3.0 gph (12 lph). This allows for a variety of options. As noted above, multiple drippers can help water a plant more evenly. However, be careful not to overdo the flow rate. High flow drippers often channel more. A combination of lower flow drippers in one pot can provide better watering and the speed needed to cycle through the facility.
Dripper Type
There are different manufacturers of standard PC drippers. One challenge these emitters can have is clogging. Every system needs to be protected by proper filtration. However, with many of the fertigation methods used by CEA growers, sometimes particulate still gets through. Dramm PCAS emitters are larger than other emitters. This allows the labyrinth that regulates pressure internally to be wider. A wider labyrinth can pass more particulate than a narrower one.
Complete Systems & Expertise
Working with experts can help ensure success in your growing facility. The Dramm and Griffin teams work together, asking questions to understand your growing style and system, to help offer the right solution for your irrigation system.
Dramm Irrigation Products From Griffin
Product Name | Item Number | |
Dramm 36" Assembled PC dripper w stake 2 lph | 44-5557 | |
Dramm 36" Assembled PC dripper with Microvalve w stake 2 lph | 44-5558 | |
Dramm 18" Assembled PC dripper w stake 2 lph | 44-5553 | |
Dramm 16 mm PE tubing, 1000' Sunblock | 44-5605 | |
Dramm 10" PC Ring & 36" Leader Tube with Microvalve | 44-5565 | |
Dramm 4” PC Ring & 12” Leader Tube with Microvalve | 44-5577 | |
Dramm 4” PC ring & 24” Leader Tube with Microvalve | 44-5579 | |
Dramm 13” PC Ring & 36” Leader Tube with Microvalve | 44-5573 |
Printable version
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Hemp Field Readiness
By: Allison Justice, PhD
The Hemp Mine
Christmas season has passed, and planting season is right around the corner. Now is the time to begin planning for the 2021 hemp growing season.
There are many things to consider for field preparation, so let us prioritize:
Soil & water testing
This step is easy to let fall by the wayside but remember it is one of the most important things you can do for your crop. Testing of soil and water sources should be done, at a minimum, annually. State universities as well as many private testing labs will do these tests at a very affordable rate. Most testing facilities will also aid on how to test and how to interpret results. One soil test is not enough, there will be many areas of your field that need addressed differently. Ask your lab for assistance.
Pre-plant fertilizer
Once you receive results, you can then make an educated decision on field pre-planting amendments, such as lime or nitrogen. After your field is treated and your soil rotated, you then can retest to understand the amount of liquid fertilizer you will need to apply throughout the season.
Irrigation planning & supplies
To get the most out of your crop and to avoid drought stress, irrigation implementation is key. Some fields are trickier than others to lay out properly so contacting an experienced irrigation specialist can be helpful for design. A common way for irrigation delivery is drip tape which is laid mechanically under plastic or biodegradable mulch. Pressure, pump size, and injector capability should be determined for proper water distribution.
Many hemp farmers choose to mulch their fields. Mulching helps to increase water retention, reduce weed pressure, and alter temperature. Additionally, when mulching is laid, the planting equipment normally can lay irrigation under the plastic as well as mound soil into beds. Mounding is important in areas which have frequent rain because it contributes to proper drainage. Mulch color can manipulate temperature and there are also great options for biodegradable mulch. Biodegradable mulch can help reduce labor and the loss of topsoil at the end of the season.
The right genetic choice is 75% of the battle for a successful season. Work with breeding companies that have a proven record and can provide you with more than just a certificate of analysis (COA). Think about where these plants were bred and for what reason they may have been selected. Ask the breeder for references and data from the previous year’s trials.
Products to help you get started
Product Name | Item Number | |
LUMITE GCB 3' 300' Ground Cover Blue | 78-2420 | |
Blk/Wht 1.25 Mil 4' X 4000' Embossed | 78-1032 | |
Blk 1.25 Mil 3' X 2000' Embossed Mulch | 78-1025 | |
Netafim Figure 8 Line End | 5011001 | |
2Gph WPC Jr. P/C Woodpecker Dripper | 5010013 | |
Netafim 1000' .520-.620 Tubing Black | 5010030 | |
Netafim 2" FLEXNET PIPE 60" SPACING 328' | 5010042 | |
Netafim 1/2"MPT Elbow X.636TWD FLEXNET | 5011006 | |
Space-It 8Mil .4Gph 9000' Tape 12" Space | 50183129 | |
Streamline X 8Mil .2Gph 9000' 18" Space | 5018618 |
Friday, January 29, 2021
Greenhouse Lighting: Are Your Tired Grow Lights Letting Your Crop Down?
Horticulturalists around the world make cost-effective decisions about lighting every day. In some places for some crops, crop quality during low-light times of the year is maintained by growing cooler and slowing the crop cycle. In other areas, supplemental lighting is added to keep consistent production and quality week after week. For indoor and warehouse cultivation, a stable environment is maintained year-round by sole-source lighting.
Greenhouse lighting plan
Sole-source lighting can be planned to provide consistent, uniform delivery of photons over the crop to provide a consistent harvest. This kind of lighting setup can be achieved with high-pressure sodium (HPRS), metal-halide (MH), or LED lighting technologies.
What happens when HPS and MH bulbs age?
HPS and MH bulbs generally have a 10,000-hour life. You should expect their output to drop by 10% over this time. That means that a lighting plan initially providing adequate light to meet your yield goals will give you 10% less yield when bulbs hit their recommended end of life. Think about that. What does 10% less yield mean to your bottom line?
While we are thinking about this, what do 10,000 hours mean for a typical indoor production facility?
• 12 hours/day: 2.25 years
• 16 hours/day: 1.75 years
• 18 hours/day: 1.5 years
The easiest fix for diminishing photon output is to set a maintenance plan to replace your HPS and MH bulbs on a cycle that aligns with your use and sensitivity to decreasing yields. As we come to the end of the year, many operations can achieve tax benefits on Capex equipment purchases delivered prior to January 1, making this is a perfect time to replace your bulbs.
Let us help you maintain your yields, so you continue to meet your production goals. Ask your Griffin salesperson about options for single end and dead-end HPS and MH replacement bulbs from leading manufacturers, including ParSource, Ushio, Hortilux, and Philips.
Griffin also offers a wide assortment of LED lighting technology. We can help you through the transition from HPS/MH to LED, both on the equipment and culture sides of the equation.
Friday, January 8, 2021
Why Are In Vivo Nematodes Beneficial?
Nematodes, specifically Steinernema feltiae, have an intense action against fungus gnat larvae and thrips pupae found in crop media. A popular choice among greenhouse growers of all kinds, this microscopic biological control agent (BCA) has wormed its way into many effective integrated pest management (IPM) programs. Currently, a global SF nematode shortage is affecting many suppliers, leading growers to explore other product options to fill this void.
Nematodes Alternative: Sanitation
Sanitizing surfaces surrounding the growing area can go a long way to controlling fungus gnat and thrips issues. Proper sanitation practices help prevent the spread of algae, which serves as a potential food source and breeding space for several pests such as fungus gnats and shore flies. Products such as ZeroTol 2.0, SaniDate 5.0, and PERPose Plus are often approved for hard surface sanitation and may be used at lower concentrations to reduce the occurrence of algae on soil surfaces or in irrigation piping and tubing.
Nematodes Alternative BCAs
Though no other BCA is quite as effective as nematodes against fungus gnat larvae and thrips pupae, some preventative pressure can be maintained through strategic applications of different species. Atheta coriaria and Hypoaspis miles, two primarily soil-dwelling BCAs, prey on larvae and pupae at the soil level. These two insects may survive for long periods in the crop media when maintaining even moisture and avoiding incompatible pesticide drenches. Though unable to handle severe infestations on their own, these BCAs may be incorporated into a preventative regimen to keep thrips and fungus gnat pressures low.
In Vivo Nematodes
Several suppliers offer In Vivo Nematode products. With classic nematode products, nematodes are grown using a fermentation process that occurs in a nutrient solution. In Vivo nematode products are produced following the natural life cycle in live hosts. While both production methods produce effective nematodes, the In Vivo nematodes generally release a more potent dose of the pest-killing bacteria upon infection. It is not uncommon for growers to see slightly faster and higher efficacy with In Vivo nematodes.Though global shortages are not currently impacting In Vivo nematode products, this type of production is more labor and time intensive. In Vivo, the application rate for products is lower and would be an appropriate knock-down treatment before beginning a preventative regimen combining adequate sanitation and alternative BCAs. Please reach out to your Griffin sales rep or the GGSPro technical team for crop-appropriate rates and usage tips.
Product Name | Item Number | |
Zerotol 2.0 5Gal | 71-35481 | |
Sanidate 5.0 5Gal | 71-35151 | |
PERpose Plus 5Gal | 71-2690 | |
DALOTIAforce 1k beetles | 30DC1N | |
Staphyline 500 beetles | SB0061-01 | |
STRATIOforce 25k mites | 30SS25 | |
Hypoline 25K mites | SB0091-04 | |
Sentry 25M nematodes | 70-7025 | |
In Vivo NemaShield, 24M nematodes | NEW |