Friday, January 8, 2021

Why Are In Vivo Nematodes Beneficial?

Nematodes, specifically
Steinernema feltiae, have an intense action against fungus gnat larvae and thrips pupae found in crop media. A popular choice among greenhouse growers of all kinds, this microscopic biological control agent (BCA) has wormed its way into many effective integrated pest management (IPM) programs. Currently, a global SF nematode shortage is affecting many suppliers, leading growers to explore other product options to fill this void.

Nematodes Alternative: Sanitation

Sanitizing surfaces surrounding the growing area can go a long way to controlling fungus gnat and thrips issues. Proper sanitation practices help prevent the spread of algae, which serves as a potential food source and breeding space for several pests such as fungus gnats and shore flies. Products such as ZeroTol 2.0, SaniDate 5.0, and PERPose Plus are often approved for hard surface sanitation and may be used at lower concentrations to reduce the occurrence of algae on soil surfaces or in irrigation piping and tubing.  

Nematodes Alternative BCAs

Though no other BCA is quite as effective as nematodes against fungus gnat larvae and thrips pupae, some preventative pressure can be maintained through strategic applications of different species. Atheta coriaria and Hypoaspis miles, two primarily soil-dwelling BCAs, prey on larvae and pupae at the soil level. These two insects may survive for long periods in the crop media when maintaining even moisture and avoiding incompatible pesticide drenches. Though unable to handle severe infestations on their own, these BCAs may be incorporated into a preventative regimen to keep thrips and fungus gnat pressures low. 

In Vivo Nematodes

Several suppliers offer In Vivo Nematode products. With classic nematode products, nematodes are grown using a fermentation process that occurs in a nutrient solution. In Vivo nematode products are produced following the natural life cycle in live hosts. While both production methods produce effective nematodes, the In Vivo nematodes generally release a more potent dose of the pest-killing bacteria upon infection. It is not uncommon for growers to see slightly faster and higher efficacy with In Vivo nematodes. 

Though global shortages are not currently impacting In Vivo nematode products, this type of production is more labor and time intensive. In Vivo, the application rate for products is lower and would be an appropriate knock-down treatment before beginning a preventative regimen combining adequate sanitation and alternative BCAs. Please reach out to your Griffin sales rep or the GGSPro technical team for crop-appropriate rates and usage tips. 


Product Name
Item Number
Zerotol 2.0 5Gal

Sanidate 5.0 5Gal

PERpose Plus 5Gal

DALOTIAforce 1k beetles

Staphyline 500 beetles

STRATIOforce 25k mites

Hypoline 25K mites

Sentry 25M nematodes

In Vivo NemaShield, 24M nematodes

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